Grace Lutheran Church COVID-19 Re-opening plan

Dear friends,

  • Grace is committed to bringing us back together physically in the coming days and weeks. This won’t be a mass mob situation, but rather a gradual roll out to help us combat the virus as well as adjust plans as needed at each stage.
  • It is imperative that Grace has a plan to safely reopen, and to protect the safety of God’s people.
  • The re-opening team as well as the council are gathered around these ideals as we focus on the best practices for re-opening.
  • Fulfilling the mission to which God has called us (“Bringing people together and becoming disciples of Jesus”).
  • The safety and well-being of our congregation and community.
  • The desire of our congregation to be “together” again.
  • The stability and sustainability of the congregation
  • Data used in developing this reopening plan has come from the Governor’s office, the Minnesota Department of Health, the CDC, the synod office and the ELCA, as well as best practices from other large ELCA congregations.
  • Except for stage 1, we do not yet have specific dates or even triggers for each stage. At this point, it is the recommendation of your church council to remain meeting online The timing for shifts from stage to stage will be informed by limitations and dates set by the Governor, the State Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control. So this plan is subject to change.
  • We also recognize that stepping into these stages might be a “back and forth” process. Depending on recommendations, we may need to move backwards before moving forward again.

Stage 1

  • Effective Immediately, the Grace office will reopen.
  • Administrative Assistant and Administrator will work out of the main office
  • Other staff will be in the building only as needed
  • Volunteers for food ministry in and out as needed
  • Otherwise, building still closed and unused areas that have been sanitized will remain sealed off
  • worship will continue via live-streaming
  • Members of our community are encouraged to continue personal preparedness, by washing hands, avoiding close contact with others, covering your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering/mask when out in public, etc…
  • Individuals physically vulnerable to the virus are strongly encouraged to stay home.
  • Staff will be expected to wear masks when interacting with others in close proximity (nearer than 6 feet)
  • The pandemic team, at the approval of council, will set expectations and a process for moving to Stage 2
    • The team and Lead pastor will consult public health, the CDC, as well as the synod as to a best time to move to the next stage.

Stage 2

  • Grace’s building will reopen on a limited basis
  • While staff may continue working from home, they are also welcome to work in their office space.
  • Small group meetings allowed, up to Governor’s limits on group sizes & social distancing. Those participating are encouraged to wear a face covering/mask, especially when physical distancing of at least 6 feet between people is not possible.  At this time no group singing is advised and only single-use, printed items should be used (no hymnals or Bibles).
  • Members of our community are encouraged to continue personal preparedness, by washing hands, close contact with others, covering your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering/mask when out in public, etc…
  • Individuals physically vulnerable to the virus are strongly encouraged to stay home and not participate in group activities.
  • Staff will be expected to wear masks when interacting with others in close proximity (as per the Dept. of Health recommendations).
  • Grace meeting rooms will be sanitized immediately after use.
  • grace building hosts/resume work on evenings when there are groups scheduled through the office on the main calendar. The only rooms allowed to be scheduled are the Fireside Room and Fellowship Hall. Each room will be sanitized prior to and after each meeting.
  • Grace pandemic team, with council approval, will set expectations and process for Stage 3
    • We will continue to consult with local medical experts as we move forward.

Stage 3

  • Face-to face worship resumes (within the limitations of group size & social distancing set by the Governor)
    • If individuals are not feeling well, they are asked to stay home and worship online if possible.
    • We will possibly split worship into 2 locations and/or times for social distancing (Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall)
    • Communion is served using strict safety protocols
    • Hymnals and Bibles will be removed from Sanctuary. Instead, we will print all necessary materials on paper for one-time usage.
    • Congregational singing would depend on current recommendations from MN Dept. of Health. At this time, no corporate singing is advised.
    • We will receive our offering in plates set by the doors, to avoid passing the plates.
    • Children are welcome to worship with their families
    • Those who are physically vulnerable to the virus are asked to continue staying at home and worshiping online
  • Members of our community are encouraged to continue personal preparedness, by washing hands, avoiding touching our faces, etc…
  • Staff will be expected to wear masks when interacting with others in close proximity (as per the Dept. of Health recommendations)
  • Other large events in the building may resume (within the limitations of group size & social distancing set by the Governor)
    • If individuals are not feeling well, they are asked to stay home and worship online if possible.
    • Food service for these events will not be available yet
  • Weddings and funerals can resume (within the limitations of group size & social distancing set by the Governor)
  • Sunday school, Adult Forum and confirmation resume (within the limitations of group size & social distancing set by the Governor)
  • Individuals physically vulnerable to the virus are strongly encouraged to stay home and worship online if possible.
  • Members of our community are encouraged to continue personal preparedness, by washing hands, close contact with others, covering your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering/mask when out in public, etc…
  • The pandemic team will set expectations and process for Stage 4
    • We will continue to consult with local medical experts as we move forward

Stage 4

  • Large events that include food service may resume
  • Wednesday night dinners may be served face-to-face
  • Sunday morning treats and coffee resume
  • The pandemic team will set expectations and process for Stage 5
    • We will continue to consult with local medical experts as we move forward
    • We will continue to seek input from other community organizations (Albert lea School District, other congregations, etc…)

Stage 5

  • Grace programming will resume as normal
  • We are excited to see everyone again.  In the midst of this planning, however, we need to acknowledge that the world has changed, and that even when we are past this health crisis, our ministry will have moved into a new stage.  And while this creates some uncertainty, and maybe even anxiety, we remain firm in our believe that “nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ.  Not life, nor death, nor angels, nor rulers…” nor Covid-19, nor quarantine… “nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  (Romans 8:38-39)
  • Thank you for your patience.  Thank you for your commitment to the well being of others in the community, and thank you for being the church, wherever you are.

In building worship:

  • Pews are marked in colors for services
  • Service times will be at 8:30 and 10 (everyone has to pick a new time)
  • Worship will last only 30 min. per the synod suggestion
  • Communion will be halted temporarily (we are looking into the wine/bread combo)
  • Online worship will still continue, likely live with the 10am worship
  • People will be asked to fill the church front to back and empty the church by ushers, back to front.
  • Singing will be done by a cantor or Bob from the balcony (Bob) or the chancel, which is the required 12 feet away.
  • There will be no corporate singing or speaking during the service.
  • There will be a no-contact sharing of the peace.
  • Sanctuary will be cleaned between each service by staff or volunteers
  • Masks will not be required but highly encouraged (we have bought a few hundred)
  • Hand sanitation will be provided throughout the building
  • No use of the bathrooms (both for safety and for remodeling)
  • No coffee, treats or community meals
  • Other groups will be required to meet in groups 10 or less either in the Fireside room or fellowship hall
  • Please do not attend worship if you are ill or not feeling well

Outdoor worship

  • 30 min worship
  • Likely on the lawn across from Hawthorne park
  • No corporate singing/speaking
  • Masks encouraged
  • Same no-contact rules as in building worship
  • No bathrooms available
  • People would bring their own chairs
  • No communion
  • Each household shall remain a safe 6 ft distance from other households
  • Please do not attend worship if you are ill or not feeling well
