Get Involved
There are lots of ways to get involved at Grace. Attend an event, join a Bible study or Sunday School class, volunteer, or go on a mission trip. We hope you’ll feel right at home!
Grow and Serve Together at Grace
Youth & Sunday School
Weekly gatherings of Sunday School, confirmation and youth group.
Music Ministries
Share your musical gifts in Choir, Bell Choir and Special Music each week.
Bible Studies
Weekly Bible studies and small groups.
Quilting Group
Quilters gather twice a month and make quilts for those in need.
Food for Backpacks
Help feed Albert Lea students with weekend backpack meals.
Partners in World Ministry
Find out how we serve those beyond our walls.
Scholarship Opportunities
Learn about and apply for scholarships for higher education.
GriefShare Support Group
Find support after the death of a loved one.
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