Women of the ELCA

Join us for a quilting group gathering or a variety of special congregational events throughout the year.

Join us each month!


Quilting Group gathers on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall.

This group’s mission is to create quilts that are distributed through Lutheran World Relief.

The quilters accept a variety of materials for making the quilts including old drapes (no fiberglass), old bedspreads, mattress pads, old sheets and blankets, spools of thread, and yarn.

Special Events: Each year, WELCA organizes a variety of special congregational events:

  • Kitchen Cleaning

  • Heritage Luncheon

  • Salad Luncheon

  • “No Bake” Bake Sale

  • Thankoffering Sunday

  • Appreciation Sunday

  • Christmas Party (December)

  • Women’s Retreat

Read Café Magazine

Café is an award-winning web magazine for young women, published by WELCA and available online.