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Last Name
Congregation Membership
Grace Lutheran Church
Please list any immediate family members who will be enrolled in an institution of higher learning at the same time as you and where they are enrolled:
Please choose the scholarship(s) for which you wish to apply by marking the appropriate box or boxes. Please ready carefully as the eligibility requirements differ.
The Grace Foundation Scholarship is a renewable scholarship for any Grace Lutheran Church Member attending a Lutheran College or University ($1,250 a year - $5,000 total).
The Donald Gross Elementary Education Scholarship is a $500 scholarship for a high school senior who plans to seek a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. Non-members may apply.
The Godtland Scholarship is a non-renewable $2000 scholarship for a Grace Lutheran Church member who is graduating from high school or getting a GED, and will attend any institution of higher learning.
The LuVerne Godtland Scholarship is a non-renewable $2000 scholarship for any student graduating from high school or getting a GED, with preference given to an individual who will attend a technical college or work toward a trade certification.
The Jeanie Godtland Scholarship is a non-renewable $2000 scholarship for any student graduating from high school or getting a GED, with preference given to an individual who will enroll in a nursing program.
The LuVerne Godtland Education Scholarship is a non-renewable $2000 scholarship for a Grace Lutheran Church member who is graduating from high school or getting a GED, and will attend any institution of higher learning to pursue a career in education.
The Gertrude Hanson Memorial Scholarship is a non-renewable $250 scholarship for a Grace Lutheran Church member who is a high school senior and will be attending any institution of higher learning.
The John and Alma Matthews Memorial Scholarship is a non-renewable $500 scholarship for a Grace Lutheran Church member who is a high school senior and will be attending any institution of higher learning.
The Janice M. and Henry J. Guse Scholarship is a $1000 scholarship for a high school senior who plans to enroll in a two-year or more nursing program and who demonstrates financial need. Non-members may apply.
The Lindsey Loehr Diemer Memorial Scholarship is a non-renewable $500 scholarship for a Grace Lutheran Church member who is a high school senior and will be attending any institution of higher learning.
The Lu Ryan Memorial Scholarship is a $500 scholarship for a Grace Lutheran Church member attending an institution of higher learning with a preference given to students attending a trade school, a two-year program or are a non-traditional student.
The Donna Ball Memorial Scholarship is a $500 scholarship for any student attending an institution of higher learning with a preference given to individuals pursuing a career in education. Non-members pursuing a degree in education may apply.
The Donald Ball Memorial Scholarship is a $500 scholarship for any student attending a technical college or working toward certification for a career in the trades. Preference will be given to individuals pursuing a career as a linesman. Non-members may apply.
The Laurence McGill Memorial Scholarship is a $2,000 scholarship for any Grace Lutheran Senior attending an institution of higher learning who demonstrates financial need.
The Delores Ost Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship for any Grace Lutheran member who is attending an institution of higher learning with a preference for those pursuing a career in education.
The Vern Jahnke Memorial Scholarship is a is a $1,000 scholarship for any Grace Lutheran member who is attending an institution of higher learning or pursuing a career in the trades.
The Grace Foundation Scholarship for non-traditional students is a $1000 non-renewable scholarship for a Grace Lutheran Church member who is attending a Lutheran college or university as a non-traditional student.
What is the name and address of the educational institution you plan to attend?
Which of the following describes your situation best?
A High School Senior planning to attend a traditional college/university in the fall
A High School Senior planning to attend a technical college or seek certification in the trades.
Other/Please Explain:
If you marked Other/Please Explain:
What is your present cumulative grade point average?
What is your present class rank?
Write a paragraph describing your educational and career goals:
How often do you attend worship at Grace Lutheran Church (or your home church)?
Once or Twice a Year
Please explain how you have served God in the following areas:
Please write a 250-to-500-word faith statement that discusses how you have seen God working in your life and how you believe God will continue to work in your life in the future.